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Frequently Asked Questions aka FAQ

As a starting point, the Sylpheed Documentation Project tries to maintain an up-to-date FAQ, and provide translations in many different languages.

Current versions

The following current versions of FAQ are available online (for the list of different FAQ versions and translations available on Internet, you can also see the FAQ itself):

Older versions

Also, the following older (and thus outdated) revisions of FAQ intended for Sylpheed version 0.8.0 (or 0.7.3 respectively) are available. It continues to be online largely for reference reasons as it is quite unlikely that the Sylpheed version as old as 0.8.0 (or 0.7.3 respectively) is still in use nowadays.

Other languages

Please note that as of Summer 2010, the only up-to-date version of FAQ is the English one. All other language versions of FAQ are merely outdated and intended for Sylpheed 0.8.0 or earlier. Translators who can update the currently available language versions or contribute a new translation are always welcome. Please see the "Contribution" links if you are interested.